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A Phase I ESA is often referred to as “environmental due diligence” and is typically requested by potential buyers and/or lenders to evaluate a property for past or present environmental concerns.
Due diligence compliance is designed to insulate buyers from potential liability under the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), or Superfund. CERCLA imposes liability, without regard to fault or negligence, on past and present owners for any environmental contamination present on the property. A Phase I ESA is conducted in order to qualify for CERCLA liability protection as an innocent landowner.
A Phase I ESA typically consists of a visual inspection of the property, interviews with the current (and past if possible) property owners, caretaker or key site manager, and a review of federal, state, and local records and historical sources. The objective is to attempt to identify past or present "recognized environmental conditions" on or near the property.  It does not include inspection and sampling for asbestos, lead based paint, or other business environmental risk conditions.
Snowcrest Environmental performs Phase I Environmental Site Assessments in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E 1527-13 and the EPA’s All Appropriate Inquiry. 

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